Keheler, S. Studies on the Byzantine Liturgy – 1. The Draft Translation: A Response to the Proposed Recasting of the Byzantine-Ruthenian Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. / Serge Keheler. – Pittsburgh: Stauropegion Press, 2006. – 280 p.
Английски език
Homer. The Iliad of Homer. Trans. by Alexander Pope. / Homer. - London : Flaxman's Designs. - 580 p.
Grimm, J., Grim, W. Old Danish ballads. Trans. By an Amateur. / Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm. - London : Hope and co., 1856.1856. - 228 p.
Georgevitch, T. R. Macedonia / T. R. Georgevitch. - London : George Allen; New York : Macmillan, 1908. - 283 p.
Chele de Vere, M. Outlines of comparative philology, with a sketch of the languages of Europe, arranged upon philologic principles: And a brief history of the art of writing / M. Chele de Vere .- New-York : G. P. Putman & CO. , M. DCCC. LIII. - 434 p.
Bojardo, Matteo Maria. Orlando Innamarato di Bojardo, Orlando Furioso di Ariosto with an essay on the romantic narrative poetry of the Italians memoirs and notes by Antonio Panizzi: Vol. VI. / Matteo Mariа Bojardo. - London: William Pickering, 1834. - VIII, CLXXVI, 198, 79 p. : cum ill.
Containing: Life of Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, Cantos I. to VIII., and notes.
Bleeck, A. H., Spiegel, F. Avesta: The Religious Books of the Parsees. / Arthur Henry Bleeck, Friedrich Spiegel. - Hertford: Stephen Austin, 1864. - 539 p.
Altbauer, Moshe. Identification of newly discovered slavic manuscripts in St.Catherine’s monastery in Sinai / Moshe Altbauer. // SLOVO, sv. 37, 1987, pp. 35-40.