Английски език

Studies on the Byzantine Liturgy

Keheler, S. Studies on the Byzantine Liturgy – 1. The Draft Translation: A Response to the Proposed Recasting of the Byzantine-Ruthenian Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. / Serge Keheler. – Pittsburgh: Stauropegion Press, 2006. – 280 p.

The Iliad of Homer

Homer. The Iliad of Homer. Trans. by  Alexander Pope. / Homer. -  London : Flaxman's Designs. - 580 p.

Old Danish ballads

Grimm, J., Grim, W. Old Danish ballads. Trans. By an Amateur. /  Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm. -  London : Hope and co., 1856.1856. - 228 p.


Georgevitch, T. R. Macedonia / T. R. Georgevitch. - London : George Allen; New York : Macmillan, 1908. - 283 p.

Outlines of comparative philology, with a sketch of the languages of Europe, arranged upon philologic principles

Chele de Vere, M.  Outlines of comparative philology, with a sketch of the languages of Europe, arranged upon philologic principles: And a brief history of the art of writing  / M. Chele de Vere .- New-York : G. P. Putman & CO. , M. DCCC. LIII. - 434 p.

Orlando Innamarato di Bojardo, Orlando Furioso di Ariosto with an essay on the romantic narrative poetry of the Italians memoirs and notes by Antonio Panizzi

Bojardo, Matteo Maria. Orlando Innamarato di  Bojardo, Orlando Furioso di Ariosto with an essay on the romantic narrative poetry of the Italians memoirs and notes by Antonio Panizzi: Vol. VI. / Matteo Mariа Bojardo. - London: William Pickering, 1834. - VIII, CLXXVI, 198, 79 p. : cum ill.
Containing: Life of Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, Cantos I. to VIII., and notes.

Avesta: The Religious Books of the Parsees

Bleeck, A. H., Spiegel, F. Avesta: The Religious Books of the Parsees. / Arthur Henry Bleeck, Friedrich Spiegel. - Hertford: Stephen Austin, 1864. - 539 p.

Identification of newly discovered slavic manuscripts in St.Catherine’s monastery in Sinai

Altbauer, Moshe. Identification of newly discovered slavic manuscripts in St.Catherine’s monastery in Sinai / Moshe Altbauer. // SLOVO, sv. 37, 1987, pp. 35-40.